1. What is your shipping policy?

    • We offer shipping within the specified regions/countries.
    • Shipping costs and estimated delivery times will be provided during the checkout process.
    • We strive to process and ship orders within 14-28 business days.
  2. What payment methods do you accept?

    • We accept major credit cards, such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
    • Additionally, we may offer alternative payment methods like PayPal or Apple Pay.
  3. Can I track my order?

    • Yes, once your order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number.
    • You can use this tracking number to track the progress of your order on our website or through the shipping carrier's website.
  4. What is your return and refund policy?

    • IF your product arrives damaged, please send a photo to our email info.rurucrew@gmail.com
  5. How can I contact customer support?

    • You can reach our customer support team through the "Contact Us" page on our website.
    • We aim to respond to all inquiries as soon as possible.
  6. Do you offer international shipping?

    • We currently offer international shipping to select countries.
    • Please check the shipping options during the checkout process to see if we deliver to your location.
  7. Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?

    • We strive to process orders quickly. However, if you need to cancel or modify an order, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible.
    • Once an order has been shipped, it cannot be canceled or modified.
  8. Are all products on your website in stock?

    • We make every effort to keep our inventory up to date.
    • In rare cases, an item may be out of stock after you place an order. In such cases, we will notify you promptly and provide options for a refund or an alternative product.
  9. What if I have a problem with my order?

    • If you encounter any issues with your order, please contact our customer support team.
    • We will work diligently to resolve the problem and ensure your satisfaction.